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Doctoral Program

  • Minimum GPA of 3.5/4.0 (or equivalent)

  • Successful completion of graduate-level courses in Continuum Mechanics or Numerical Methods, Turbulence or Fluid Mechanics, and CFD

  • Successful completion of MSc. Thesis defense related to CFD or Fluid Mechanics

  • Minimum of 1 published or accepted journal publication

Master Program

  • Minimum GPA of 3.2/4.0 (or equivalent)

  • Successful completion of courses on fundamentals of CFD, Advanced Fluid Mechanics and Advanced Numerical Methods with a letter grade B+ and higher

  • A 1-page Research Statement on how your qualifications aligns with the research project you are interested in for your Master studies.

Summer / Internship

  • Minimum GPA of 3.0/4.0 (or equivalent)

  • Successful completion of the second year of Mechanical Engineering 

  • Completion of the Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics and Numerical Methods with a minimum grade of B+

We appreciates your interest in joining our team of researchers at the University of Alberta Computational Fluid Engineering Laboratory. However, we would not be able to respond to each inquiry separately due to the high volume of applications. Thus below are specific admission requirements for the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Computational Fluid Engineering Laboratory at the University of Alberta.


General Admission Criteria:

If you are applying for Masters or Doctoral studies, you need to first make sure you meet the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the University of Alberta graduate program admission criteria including "English Proficiency" and "Minimum GPA". Once your application is accepted for further processing by Prof. Hemmati, you will be notified to proceed with a general application to the Department of Mechanical Engineering graduate program. 


Laboratory Admission Criteria:

The Computational Fluids Engineering Laboratory intends to follow a more rigorous admission criteria that surpasses those listed for the general admission. Exceptions may be made depending on the applicant's CV. The English Requirements are one of the following:


  1. Minimum IELTS score of 7​ with minimum Writing score of 7
  2. Minimum TOEFL score of 100 (internet base) with minimum Writing score of 25


The program specific requirements are:




All applicants are required to complete an interview over Skype prior to their admission (interviews are organized  only if all other criteria are successfully met).


To accelerate your application process, please send your detailed CV along with the required documents listed above (i.e., proof of course completion, Research Statement, copy of recently published paper, etc.) for the position that you are interested directly to Prof. Hemmati at (The subject line of your email must be that of the position you are applying for as listed below.

PhD Studentship

This project is on bio-inspired design of propellers focused on geometrical criteria for optimum performance with respect to efficiency, speed and stealth. Using Immersed Boundary Method incorporated to DNS, the hydrodynamics of three geometrical tail fin shapes are examined under different oscillatory motions. This is followed by examining the implications of body-propulsor interactions on propulsive performance of candidate propulsors. Expertise in OpenFOAM, MATLAB, Paraview and statistical analysis are essential for this position.


Objective: bio-inspiration in design of new propeller and energy harvesting technologies (Geometry)


Bio-inspired Design of Propulsors & Energy Harvesting Technologies

PhD Studentship

This project is on bio-inspired design of propellers focused on examining the effect of flexibility on optimum propulsion performance with respect to efficiency, speed and stealth. Using Immersed Boundary Method incorporated to DNS, the hydrodynamics of fish tail fins are examined in pitching, heaving and combined pitching-heaving motion. This is followed by the study of acoustics and implications of flexibility on stealth capabilities of these species. Expertise knowledge of OpenFOAM, MATLAB, Paraview and statistical analysis are essential for this position.


Objective: bio-inspiration in design of new propeller and energy harvesting technologies. (Flexibility)

MSc. Studentship

This project focuses on the development and testing of a non-linear eddy viscosity model to simulate the wake of sharp-edge thin bodies with large pressure gradients leading to large velocity gradients in the immediate wake, and thus, negative turbulence kinetic energy production. This model will be developed specifically for thin sharp-edge bodies with fixed separation points and no reattachment. Knowledge of FORTRAN language and MATLAB is an essential requirement.


Objective: Development of non-linear eddy viscosity models for wind engineering applications

MSc. Studentship

This project looks at how the wake dynamics and vortex formations change with increasing thickness of normal thin flat plates. This aims at identifying the critical thickness at which the nature of the wake transforms from that of thin flat plates to rectangular cylinders. The implications of this transformation on surface pressure distributions, unsteady lift and drag variations and wake characterizations are crucial in both fundamental study of wakes and industrial applications. Using a combination of DNS and LES simulations through OpenFOAM, ANSYS CFX and MATLAB, this study looks at the wake development for a series of normal flat sharp-edge bodies with increasing thickness.


Objective: Characterization of large pressure gradient wakes formed by sharp-edge flat bodies

This project is on analytical modeling of turbulent boundary layers at high temperature gradients along a vertical wall. The governing equations for buoyancy-driven heat and fluid flow are to be derived without the low temperature gradient assumptions. This research has direct applications in the energy industry, geothermal processes and aerospace. Strong background in Mathematics and linear algebra are essential for this position.


Objective: Develop an analytical model to characterize turbulent boundary layers on heated vertical walls

MSc. Studentship

MSc. Studentship

This project looks at the numerical simulation of blood flow in selected arteries, recommended by our collaborators in the School of Medicine, using OpenFOAM and ANSYS CFX. The impact of artery deformability, blockage characteristics and flow features leading to reduced blood flow and clot formations are investigated using simulations. This is further expanded to look at flow manipulation techniques to reduce the effects of blockage on clot formation.


Objective: cardiovascular flow simulation for disease prevention and better diagnostics

10-352 Donadeo Innovation Center for Engineering, 9211-116 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 1H9


© 2018 by Computational Fluid Engineering Laboratory

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